Jingle CX Race Report – KK
Jingle cross started with a little road trip over to Iowa. I started my journey Friday morning and stopped in at my Alma Mater, Marian University, where I picked up a road trip buddy (Cole McDicken). The entire car ride was filled with throwback stories and early 2000’s hip hop. When we made it to Iowa I had about 3 hours til race time. Friday night racing has always been my favorite part about Jingle cross, so I was eagerly awaiting the start. When the time came to line up, the sun was setting and it was feeling like GO time. When they blew the whistle the start was fast and the competition was fierce. The race was for the most part really well lit, the crowds were huge, and the mojo of the race was incredible. I left it all out on the course!Saturday we had a nice little gap day to do some World Cup watching, and man...